To check the exact kernel version that is running in this system.
$ uname -r
what is the kernel version in 4.15.0-88-generic?
Look for the first digit. In this case, it is 15
What is the major version number of the kernel 4.15.0-88-generic
Look for the second digit after the kernel version separated by a . In this case, it is 15
Which command would you run to print the messages generated by the kernel?
Type the command dmesg to see the messages.
$ dmesg
To list/count all block devices of type disk that are present in the system
Run: lsblk and count the number of disk devices.
$ lsblk
To check total number of physical cores
in the system.
Run lscpu and multiply the Core(s) per socket with the number of Socket(s):
$ lscpu
To check total online memory
Run the lsmem command and look for the value of online memory
$ lsmem