In this lecture we will explore two major SYSTEMD tools:
during the system boot.It is also used to LIST AND MANAGE UNITS
To start a service use the start command, for example to start a docker service use systemctl start docker
[~]$ systemctl start docker
To stop a service use the stop command, for example to stop a docker service use systemctl stop docker
[~]$ systemctl stop docker
To restart a service use the restart command, for example to restart a docker service use systemctl restart docker
this will stop and start again.
[~]$ systemctl restart docker
To reload a service use the reload command, for example to reload a docker service use systemctl reload docker
, this will reload all the configuration without interrupting the normal functionaltiy of the service
[~]$ systemctl reload docker
To enable a service and make it persistent accross reboots use the enable command, for example to enable a docker service use systemctl enable docker
[~]$ systemctl enable docker
To disable a service at boot use the disable command, for example to disable a docker service use systemctl disable docker
[~]$ systemctl disable docker
To know the status of the service use systemctl status docker
command. This command provided the state of the service. If running properly is should show active (running)
state as shown in screenshot below.
[~]$ systemctl status docker
Besides active (running)
state there are few other state that you should be aware off.
Running systemctl daemon reload
command after making changes to service unit file reloads the system manager configuration and makes the systemd aware of the changes.
To edit the service file use command systemctl edit project-mercury.service --full
this will open a text editor, you can make the changes and re-write the settings as needed, making changing this way applied immediately without running the systemctl daemon reload
[~]$ systemctl daemon-reload
[~]$ systemctl edit project-mercury.service --full
To see the current runlevel use systemctl get-default
[~]$ systemctl get default
To change the runleve to a different target use systemctl set-default
[~]$ systemctl set-default
To list all the units that systemd has loaded use systemctl list-units --all
, this lists all the unit which are active, inactive or anyother state.
[~]$ systemctl list-units --all
To list only active units use systemctl list-units
[~]$ systemctl list-units
To view, and also locate a unit file use systemctl cat
command. A comment line containing the path to the unit file is printed as the first line of output.
[~]$ systemctl cat project-mercury.service
Very useful when you are troubleshooting issues with systemd services.
Using journalctl
commands print all the log entries from oldest to the newest.
[~]$ journalctl
Using journalctl -b
command print all the logs from the current boot.
[~]$ journalctl -b
Using journalctl -u docker.service
command print all the logs specific to the unit specified, for example docker in this case.
[~]$ journalctl -u docker.service
Using journalctl -u docker.service --since
command print all the logs specific to the unit specified since the given time, for example docker in this case.
[~]$ journalctl -u docker.service --since "2022-01-01 13:45:00"